Sleepless Nights?

This World Sleep Day, Know How to Sleep Better

4 min readMar 19, 2021

There was a time when the clock struck 11.00, and I woke up to the breezy city view from the twelfth floor. But as responsibilities increased, my sleep time decreased. There’s one thing nobody would give up on — Sleep.

March 19, 2021, is observed as World Sleep Day. An initiative to regularise sleep for a healthier future. If you are wondering about the importance of this magical element, read on.

Why Celebrate World Sleep Day?

The annual event is celebrated by the World Sleep Society to stress the benefits of sound sleeping. It focuses on the issues of irregular sleep to promote global health. The event has been held since 2008, with a light on Sleep, medicines, education, driving and social norms.

How Important is Sleep?

Chronic sleep loss is a condition, and 1 in 3 adults suffer from it. People assume sleep is vital for many reasons, but little do they know that sleep is the root that holds overall physical and mental health. The Indian Society for Sleep Research recommends 7–8 hours of sleep for good health.

When you are agitated for no reason, look back at your sleep cycle. Excessive daytime sleepiness and sleep deprivation can be reasons for an unbalanced lifestyle and work.

Sometimes, external factors like environment, medications, stress, food changes, hormonal imbalances and more could cause less sleep.

What Happens When You Sleep Less?

A lot happens when you fall back on your sleep schedule — an increase in body weight, fatigue, low sex drive, weak immune system, and indecisiveness. Researchers have found a direct relationship between sleep and sickness. The less you sleep, the more you are prone to illnesses. And this accompanies forgetfulness and other mental instabilities.

An interesting fact is that even if you sleep a lot (more than 9 hours), it has a negative impact on your body. To top it off, when you skip your beauty sleep, your delicate skin suffers. Poor sleepers may have less self-confidence than their well-rested counterparts.

How to Regularise Sleep?

Sleep deprivation is observed in more than 33% of adults in India, and it has the same effect on all age groups. Nearly 40% of adults reported falling asleep during the day without their knowledge.

The World Sleep Society decided to raise awareness on this issue because sleep was the most neglected in society. Follow these simple steps to promote good health.

1. Relax before bedtime

Take a hot shower, sip on herbal tea, read books or listen to music. These activities help with stress relief before bedtime.

2. Shut down the screens

The most important of all is to stay away from your screens at least 30 mins before bed. When you look at the brightness on your devices, your eyes send signals to the brain to stay active.

3. Beware of what you eat

Food plays a huge role in your sleep cycle. Generally, a low-carb diet is considered a way to induce sleep and regularise your cycle. It is best to talk to a nutritionist to check what works for your body.

4. Maintain a sleep schedule

Our bodies are intuitive and follow the same pattern every day. It is also called the Circadian Rhythm. Sleep at the same time every day. This way, your body follows the cycle, and you’ll sleep better.

5. Cut down on Caffeine

Caffeine has a way to stay in the system for up to 8 hours. So, if you consume coffee at 3 pm, you will be unable to sleep at night.

6. Lessen the Anxiety Levels

It is natural to stress over sleep, but our bodies function no matter how many hours of rest we have had. Trying too hard to sleep will lead to complications. So, breathe in and let your body do its work.

If you want to know how to overcome anxiety, depression or anything else, feel free to get in touch with heyy. Here our trained listeners, heyy Helpers, support you through your worries and our heyy experts provide online counseling services in India, and together we guide you through.

When you sleep well, the world around you changes. You feel fresh, confident and happy, and you worry less and stay productive throughout the day. Also, you feel fit mentally, physically and emotionally.

A group of healthcare providers and sleep medicine practitioners started the annual awareness program to distribute information about sleep to the world. To date, the World Sleep Society has been involved in raising awareness of the benefits of sleep.

Simple 8-hour sleep can bring a lot of change to your life. Take your sleep schedule seriously but don’t stress over it. No matter what you are struggling with, there’s nothing that a night of good sleep cannot fix.


“StackPath.” StackPath,

“Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency | NHLBI, NIH.” Home | NHLBI, NIH,

Marcin, Ashley. “10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 10 June 2015,

